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Package freenet.client.async

Client layer core classes (implementation of actually fetching files etc).

See: Description

Package freenet.client.async Description

Client layer core classes (implementation of actually fetching files etc).

See Also:
for a description of the overall architecture of the client layer.

This package is mainly for classes that actually run high-level requests, inserts, site inserts, etc. The major components here:

  • @see ClientRequester The top level requests: A site insert, a fetch for a key on Freenet (which may involve following redirects, unpacking containers, splitfiles, etc), an insert of a file etc. E.g. @see ClientGetter
  • @see ClientGetState The current stage in a request. E.g. fetch a block and follow the metadata and redirects if necessary (@see SingleFileFetcher), or download a splitfile (@see SplitFileFetcher).
  • @see ClientPutState The current stage in an insert. E.g. insert a single block (@see SingleBlockInserter), or a splitfile (@see SplitFileInserter).
  • Code for actually choosing which request to start. ClientRequestScheduler is an interface class, the actual request selection tree is on ClientRequestSelector. We keep a separate structure (mostly Bloom filters) using KeyListeners to identify which block belongs to which client, as we will often be offered blocks, or fetch them on behalf of other nodes. This is kept by ClientRequestSchedulerCore for persistent requests and ClientRequestSchedulerNonPersistent for transient requests.
  • The cooldown queue: @see CooldownTracker. This is used to ensure that we don't keep on selecting the same request repeatedly, while choosing requests efficiently., for a closely related mechanism at the node level.
  • USK-related code
  • The healing queue
  • Misc persistence-related code, @see ClientLayerPersister for the persistence architecture.

The main connections to other layers: Code which uses the client layer:

  • @see freenet.client.HighLevelSimpleClient (a lightweight API used both internally and by some plugins)
  • @see freenet.clients.fcp The interface to external FCP clients
  • Some code and plugins use the classes here directly.

Code which the client layer uses:

  • @see freenet.client Support classes for MIME type handling, container handling, etc
  • @see freenet.node.SendableRequest The actual implementation of sending requests
  • @see Especially @see and related classes
  • @see Events are sent to other layers (especially FCP)
  • @see freenet.client.filter Content filtering code. Content filtering is implemented in the client layer for various reasons.
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