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Package freenet.client

Client layer (support code: metadata, MIME types, container unpacking etc).

See: Description

Package freenet.client Description

Client layer (support code: metadata, MIME types, container unpacking etc).

See Also:
for most of the actual implementation.

Overview of the client layer

The client layer implements high-level requests, i.e. download a whole file from a key, upload a whole file, etc. Metadata, FEC encoding and decoding, classes to parse the metadata and decide how to fetch the file, support for files bigger than a single key, support for fetching files within zip/tar containers, etc. Uses the key implementations, the node itself, and all the support code. Used by FCP, fproxy, clients, etc.

Requests can be either persistent or transient. For details on persistence, see the comments at the top of @see freenet.client.async.ClientLayerPersister .

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